Alice + Olivia Spring Summer 2012 and South Pacific

So this post started as an ode to Alice + Olivia, which would have been nice on it’s own… but this post will take an odd turn and you may be along for the ride/ tasty tidbits of information… or you may not. Whatevs. 

Alice + Olivia never disappoints me. Take for instance these here three looks from the Spring Summer 2012 collection. I am totally feeling the looks channeling Audrey Hepburn or bear with me, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific (no? yes?)… Yes, I do love musicals, so I will reference them from time to time.

What I found most interesting though? When I was looking for pictures to describe how Alice + Olivia made me feel South Pacific-y, I became aware that the original movie version was considered “Adult Entertainment” and was classified as such. Adult entertainment has changed, hasn’t it? If we were to have a viewing of this movie, about love in a time of war, I doubt it would even get an R rating by today’s standards/censors. There is no nudity, no swearing, and maybe only a smidge of violence due to the setting/time period…. and what? There is a song about washing a man out of your hair. “Adult” entertainment? I think not.

Isn’t it kind of scary how far we have come/gone as far as what is socially acceptable to show children or adults for that matter? … I suppose at the end of the day, I don’t really care though. People will watch what they want regardless of how it is rated. I just found this to be interesting is all.

As I close this post, I have realized that there is no rhyme or reason to it really, but I rather that I did just want to post all these pictures, so deal with it. I love me some Alice + Olivia and I most certainly love South Pacific.


Alice + Olivia Spring Summer 2012 and South Pacific

Alice + Olivia Fall 2011 Ready to Wear

I have to say that out of all the current fashion designers putting forth fashion genius these days, I am feeling very strongly in favor of anything Alice + Olivia. Their Fall 2011 RTW (ready to wear in case you are out of the fashion loop) line is no exception. My daydreams of excursions in their most recent looks were extensive.

Some of my favorites are included here. They range from preppy to colorful to printed to embellished to vintagey and back again…

I think my favorite look is most definitely the color blocked red and black dress, little fur caplet I can do without (although it does have an Old Hollywood feel to it). What do you think? Is Alica+Olivia spot on for Fall or will you be look elsewhere for fashion inspiration?

Photos via

Alice + Olivia Fall 2011 Ready to Wear