Alice + Olivia Spring Summer 2012 and South Pacific

So this post started as an ode to Alice + Olivia, which would have been nice on it’s own… but this post will take an odd turn and you may be along for the ride/ tasty tidbits of information… or you may not. Whatevs. 

Alice + Olivia never disappoints me. Take for instance these here three looks from the Spring Summer 2012 collection. I am totally feeling the looks channeling Audrey Hepburn or bear with me, the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific (no? yes?)… Yes, I do love musicals, so I will reference them from time to time.

What I found most interesting though? When I was looking for pictures to describe how Alice + Olivia made me feel South Pacific-y, I became aware that the original movie version was considered “Adult Entertainment” and was classified as such. Adult entertainment has changed, hasn’t it? If we were to have a viewing of this movie, about love in a time of war, I doubt it would even get an R rating by today’s standards/censors. There is no nudity, no swearing, and maybe only a smidge of violence due to the setting/time period…. and what? There is a song about washing a man out of your hair. “Adult” entertainment? I think not.

Isn’t it kind of scary how far we have come/gone as far as what is socially acceptable to show children or adults for that matter? … I suppose at the end of the day, I don’t really care though. People will watch what they want regardless of how it is rated. I just found this to be interesting is all.

As I close this post, I have realized that there is no rhyme or reason to it really, but I rather that I did just want to post all these pictures, so deal with it. I love me some Alice + Olivia and I most certainly love South Pacific.


Alice + Olivia Spring Summer 2012 and South Pacific

Project Accessory, Will it be Good?

Project Accessory, the newest installment in reality TV competitions, premieres this Thursday after the Project Runway finale. The ads have been enticing to say the least, because, well, I love Molly Sims (hey, I was couch ridden for a month and had nothing to watch but Las Vegas) an because they are making it look kind of bad ass (aka Depeche Modey music). If this show is anything like my very addictive Project Runway, then I may be in trouble… the man and I already fight over our space on the DVR.

“The multi-billion dollar accessories business is brought into the spotlight with Lifetime’s new competition series, “Project Accessory,” hosted by actress and model Molly Sims. With the help of lifestyle expert Eva Lorenzotti as their mentor, 12 enterprising artists will be put to the test to create the newest and hottest trends in accessories as they compete to dazzle Sims and judges designer Kenneth Cole and InStyle Editor, Ariel Foxman. Emmy® Award-winning actress Debra Messing and fashion critic and television personality Kelly Osborne will appear as guest judges this season, among other fashion luminaries. “Project Accessory” will premiere October 27 at 10:30/9:30c.”

Our contestants:

  • Cotrice (Milwaukee, WI/Atlanta, GA) – specializes in jewelry
  • Brian Burkhardt (Manchester, NH/Miami, FL) – specializes in jewelry
  • Christina Caruso (New York, NY) – specializes in jewelry
  • Nina Cortes (Miami, FL) – specializes in jewelry
  • Shea Curry (Hattiesburg, MS/Los Angeles, CA) – specializes in jewelry and hair accessories
  • Adrian Dana (Baltimore, MD/Lithonia, GA) – specializes in church hats
  • David Grieco (Watertown, NY/Los Angeles, CA) – specializes in belts
  • Kelly Horton (Philadelphia, PA/Edgewater, NJ) – specializes in handbags
  • Diego Rocha (Sao Paolo, Brazil/Chicago, IL) – specializes in handbags
  • Nicolina Royale (Minneapolis MN/Los Angeles, CA) – specializes in leather rock ‘n’ roll accessories
  • Rich Sandomeno – (Elmwood Park, NJ/Los Angeles, CA) – specializes in jewelry
  • James Sommerfeldt (Chicago, IL) – specializes in footwear
  • What do you think? Will you be watching along with me?


    Project Accessory, Will it be Good?

    Vintage Score: Patterned Maxi Dress

    Dude, I love vintage. I love vintage so much that I want to take it out behind the middle school and get it pregnant (take a joke, it’s from 30 Rock). The beautiful thing about vintage is that you can almost guarantee than no one else is wearing it and bonus, you can get it from so many different locations. There are brick and mortar shops set up specifically for vintage and consignment goods. I have also been known to find some vintage/retro looks at my local Salvation Army/Savers (obviously with some searching)… but now, the amazing Internets have made shopping for retro looks so much easier! Whether set up on ebay or stand alone online shops, these great resources are run by women and men with an eye for clever and interesting vintage items. I have just started ordering from online vintage shops, and I have not been disappointed yet. Check out my most recent find from Vantage Point Vintage!

    Some of my favorite online Vintage stores are as follows (visit them, you won’t regret it):


    Vintage Score: Patterned Maxi Dress

    Anna Sui Spring 2012 RTW

    Anna Sui’s Spring 2012 RTW line was something out of a vintage lover’s dreams. The details are what makes this collection so ultimately dazzling to this here vintage lover. Let’s start with the amazing turban head pieces (Think Joan Crawford or Hedy Lamarr). In her ever gorgeous prints, the turbans would be statements in and of themselves. Staying on the head, Anna tied in some gorge floppy hats which made some of the softer looks, oh so romantic.

    The vibrant flowy prints and details on the sock and tights, Anna Sui captured a vintage feel and infused it with a shot of youth and added a more modern touch. The whole collection leaves me wanting more and I will surely be searching out the black dress with green and teal details. Mama must have that for her Spring wardrobe, no matter what the cost.

    What do you think? Are you a vintage junky like me? If so, what do you think of Anna Sui’s Spring 2012 RTW line… channeling enough for you? 

    I am in love.

    Photos via


    Anna Sui Spring 2012 RTW

    I am a Winner!

    I would consider myself a winner in that uplifting and inspirational sort of way. I have a great man, a job that pays the bills, some aspirations that aren’t so completely out of reach. I am a winner, a go getter… but in the truer sense of the word, I did actually win something.

    Since joining Independent Fashion Bloggers, I have met some pretty lovely gals (and heck, even some guys) and seen some great new blogs (you should see my blog roll to the left, growing every day). One of my new friends is Miss Jess of Inked and Sewn.We are like minded peeps… we like fashion, and handbags and DIY goodness, so naturally I considered her an instant blogger friend.

    Jess had a great giveaway for a handbag in honor of reaching a blog viewer goal, so again, naturally, I entered. And guess what… I won it! Once I received it, I promptly grabbed this little vintage bird pin that I have been saving for something special, and here it was!

    I thought I would give a shoutout to Jess and her blog, in the hopes that you takey a look and likey her as much as I do! Merci and Gracias.


    I am a Winner!

    OM: Chill Girl, Chill

    It has been awhile since I did a One Moment, and that is something I am not proud of. I feel like my job has taken a hold of my life and not in a good way. I am extremely overwhelmed and stressed on a daily basis and while I am thankful to have employment, I have to wonder what is it costing me. I constantly think about blogging, from building my readership to continually trying to come up with crafty and fashion worthy content but as of late, I have been lacking the motivation due to my job.

    Anyway, as you can imagine, with so much work, I bring my laptop home so that I can continue to work, even on my “off” time. My One Moment this week happened on Friday night. While I was working on my laptop, I got the blue screen of death. You know what I am talking about. You computer gets a blue screen, then shuts down and then doesn’t come back on. As you can imagine, my immediate reaction was to FREAK OUT. I am ashamed to say I cried. The man told me to calm down and look at it this way, “You don’t need to work this weekend. You can craft”. After I spouted something incoherent at him, I slowly began to see his point. Yes, I do have a lot of work and yes, it is going to be such a PAIN to get a new computer and hopefully save some of my work but at the same time, I need to use my time off for the things I love to do. If need be, I can freak out again on Monday.

    OM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment. Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, actively looking for and sharing these moments will promote balance in our lives.


    OM: Chill Girl, Chill

    Obsession Alert: Evan AND Chris Evans’ Gucci Ads

    OBSESSION ALERT:  If you know me at all you know that I am pretty much obsessed with Evan Rachel Wood at this point aaaaaaand my manly man crush these days is most certainly Mr. Chris Evans because he is hotty hot, is Captain America (nerdy girl here) and I most recently re-watched The Nanny Diaries and he is, of course, Harvard Hottie/ watched a Sci Fi movie called Sunshine in which, once again, he is hottie hot. Have I said Hottie enough? So imagine how obsessive I am over the Gucci Guilty ads? Pretty much drooling over my man and woman crushes right now.

     What do you think? Do you lovey as much as I do?


    Obsession Alert: Evan AND Chris Evans’ Gucci Ads

    My Style Icons/Crushes

    There are a lot of women that I idolize for their seemingly effortless glamor and style… I am not in a dream world though. I know that celebrities and such have people around them all the time, letting them know what looks good and what doesn’t, but I feel like the following ladies, would have it under control even if they never had a stylist. There is personal style to account for too… which is what I admire. Also there is timeless… if you are timeless, you are timeless. Ya dig? These are ladies I try to emulate whenever possible. Some are new to my list and some are forever…

    Hello junior high crush turned major music star and designer. Gwen Stefani has been on my radar since Spiderwebs and while I prefer her style much more now then when it was a bikini top and wide legged pants, I have loved her since legit, I was 12 or 13. She is glamorous with an edge and I LOVE the platinum blond/ red lipstick combo and let’s face it, Gwen rocks it! Love you Gwenie-poo.

    Emma Watson is a new entry on my style icon list but girl, ever since she got that pixie short hair cut, I have been smitten as a kitten. She looks so much more mature and high fashion then her Hermoine days let her be. She has a rocking little bod, a slamming haircut and that enviable ability to look good in almost everything. It’s kind of creepy I am crushing on her though, seeing as how I am 10 years older than her (me softly weeping).

    You have to have been living under a rock to miss my obsession with Rachel Roy… She is absolutely gorgeous, she is so super stylish and she happens to design some of my favorite clothes. She has got that certain something. After recently seeing her on Project Runway, and hearing her speaking voice, I imagine her to be super sweet. We would, of course, be best friends upon meeting one another.

    You also would have to be living under a rock if you missed my new style crush, Evan Rachel Wood… I swear I paid her no attention until she got that haircut (see recurring theme) and now I can’t keep my eyes off of what she is wearing on the red carpet. She is beautiful, with a bone structure some would kill for… and what? She looks ab fab in menswear inspired looks. I do love a good vest.

    Marilyn, sweet Marilyn… Again, I have always loved her, since I was ever able to register seeing a photograph of her. The blond bombshell look has been something I have always wanted to BE. You know what else I love about her? She was a size 10… in your face, stick thins! She was beautiful and curvy and wore that red lipstick like a champ.

    So what do you think? Who are your style/fashion icons?


    My Style Icons/Crushes

    Elie Saab Spring 2012… am in love

    OK, please look at the pictures of the most recent Elie Saab Spring 2012 collection and then I will dare you not to be totally enamored with the color palette. The show started with pearly whites and mustard yellow, working through peaches and then ending in vivid emerald green and royal blue. Some words I would use to describe the designs? Flow-y, Sequin-y, somewhat seventies inspired but all in all beautiful. I am especially in love with the royal blue sequin gown that barely skims the shoulders. GORGE!

    photos via

    Elie Saab Spring 2012… am in love