OM: Spontaneity? Yes Please.

I know I should take more time to voice what I am thankful for, heck I need to take more time to remind myself what I am thankful for.  I always want to share my “One Moment” of the week but lately it’s turned into sharing my One Moment of the half year. I am getting bad. Anyway, if I am forgiven, please read on.

This moment (or collection of moments) is something that I am totally proud of me and the man for. A good friend of ours called us up in mid January to tell us that she was going to be in Sacramento for a Wine Symposium for work. Her husband (also a good friend) was going to fly out to meet her and they were going to make a long weekend of it, hitting up Napa and San Fransisco. They wanted to know if we would be interested in going along. My immediate reaction? Ummm, no, are you kidding?! That leaves us no time to plan! Flights, hotel, rental cars, things to do… we would be flying blind and fast! I knew the man would feel the same way… fast forward to about a half hour later. The man, gasp, grabbed a Virgin America post card out of the trash (this granted us a major discount on flights in January, basically 50% off) and proclaimed proudly, let’s do it!

So what’s up spontaneity? We totally booked flights and worked with our friends on hotels, the rental and all the things that we did on this trip just this past weekend. We totally crammed in, yet enjoyed, a lot of sights and sounds. From the Redwood Forest to Wine Tasting to some Pier/Sea Lion action and on to Chinatown, we certainly made the most of our trip for sure. We even fit in a little retail therapy (hello Chinese Mary Janes, new spices and olive oils mmmmm).

So while we aren’t always spontaneous (hey being a planner is fun too!) it is pretty exciting when we can pull something off and “Live Life”. We have a lot of planning ahead of us with this wedding in a little less than a year so I guess in spreading a little spontaneity around, we can feel young and fancy free if only for a few moments.

OM is a weekly meet up that promotes living in the moment. Whether funny, sad, ridiculous, or banal, actively looking for and sharing these moments will promote balance in our lives. 
OM: Spontaneity? Yes Please.